Orthopedic & Trauma Surgery


Orthopedic surgery refers to all interventions performed on the musculoskeletal system in the event of injuries or various conditions.
The musculoskeletal system includes the bones, joints and adjacent soft tissues: muscles (which protect and allow movement of bones and joints), ligaments (which connect bones) and tendons (which connect muscles to bones). 
This surgical specialty is constantly growing and currently includes endoscopic surgery and 3D laparoscopy, as well as bone grafts and orthopedic prostheses. 

Orthopedic & Trauma Surgery The specialties of orthopedic surgery

  • Bone, joint, ligament and muscle-tendon restorative surgery,
  •  Prosthetic surgery of the hip, knee and other joints,
  •  Arthroscopic surgery ,
  • Restorative surgery for osteoarticular fractures,
  • Sports surgery,
  • Traumatic hand surgery...


Orthopedic & Trauma Surgery

Our orthopedic surgeons

Our orthopedists are more than willing  to provide the best treatments and solutions. Our experienced and qualified orthopedists carefully examine your injury using the most advanced diagnostic tools. 
Our specialists have extensive experience in the field, especially since they have examined many patients throughout their careers.
Our goal is to get our patients back to their regular schedule as quickly as possible. We not only provide assistance with treatment, but also with rehabilitation, physiotherapy and re-education. Our experts offer therapy options that will help you return to your optimal physical condition in the shortest possible time.

Clinique du Centre - Chirurgie orthopédique & traumatologique
Clinique du Centre - Chirurgie orthopédique & traumatologique
Orthopedic & Trauma Surgery

When to consult an orthopedic surgeon in Tunisia?

The consultation of an orthopedic and trauma surgeon is done at the request of the attending physician or another specialist. It is necessary in cases of very disabling joint pain, a limitation in the use of a joint, a risk of aggravation of an injury (fracture poorly reduced, risk of spontaneous fracture), a bone deformity, etc..

Maxillofacial surgery
