Obesity surgery in Tunisia is expanding more and more, as well as worldwide because of its beneficial benefits. It is one of the specialties practiced by our team of surgeons at the Clinic of the Center of Tunisia.
Existing in various forms, the surgery of obesity proceeds mainly by the method known as gastric banding or gastroplasty.

Gastric ring Tunisia Gastroplasty or gastric band, what does it consist of?
The principle of gastric banding is simple: it consists of placing a silicone ring around the upper part of the stomach to reduce the size of the stomach. The purpose of the operation is to give the patient a feeling of satiety after eating small amounts of food. This is made possible by separating the stomach (formerly used to large amounts of food) into two pouches: an upper pouch of 15 to 25 cm3 (equivalent to 3 or 4 tablespoons) and a larger lower pouch.
In other words, the stomach is transformed into a kind of hourglass, which will only let food pass very slowly from the upper to the lower pouch, thus creating a feeling of satiety in the brain very quickly. Note that the gastric band is accompanied by a box positioned under the skin, through which the surgeon can loosen or tighten the stomach as needed.
Gastroplasty is mainly intended for adults between 18 and 65 years of age, who have been seriously obese for at least 3 years. It also concerns obese people with a body mass index greater than 35 and suffering from medical complications such as: hypertension, diabetes, osteoarthritis, lipid metabolism disorders, etc.
Gastric banding is performed by an operation done under laparoscopy, which lasts an average of one hour. It requires hospitalization for three to four days and a minimum of two weeks' absence from work. Performed under general anesthesia, laparoscopy consists of inflating the abdomen with a gas in order to introduce an optical tube through a 1 cm hole, connected to a camera that transmits the image to a screen. This procedure avoids the need for an incision and limits de facto postoperative pain. At the same time, hospitalization time is reduced.
The gastroplasty procedure allows a quick recovery of the patient. However, this surgery requires, during the first 15 days, a soft and mixed diet, which will allow the partially fixed band to remain in place until complete healing.
Afterwards, weight loss is very rapid, especially when accompanied by a healthy diet and sports exercises, in addition to the forced diet. In the long term, a successful gastroplasty greatly improves the patient's quality of life (self-confidence, ease of social integration, etc.) and health conditions.
For more information about gastric banding, please contact us. We are availablefor any question related to the practice of gastric banding in Tunisia.